
Our Offer

Apate AI-Callee

for Telcos
Make phone scams ineffective in your network using Apate AI scam victim

  • 100K Redirected Calls per day
  • unlimited AI personas
  • More than 5 minutes of calls
  • Bonus: Scam near real time notifications for up to 10 Impersonated Organisations
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Apate Insights (Targeted)

for Businesses
Continuously monitor who and how scammers target your organization (1 entity)

  • Near real-time notifications
  • Scam Intelligence for scam calls mentioning your organization
  • Organisation-specific Scam Analytics
  • Detailed Periodic Reports
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Apate Insights (Premium)

for Businesses and Governments
Understand the Global scam market at any point in time (All Scam campaigns)

  • Near real-time notifications for Selected Entities
  • Scam Intelligence for all scam calls
  • Cross organisations Scam Analytics
  • Detailed Reports
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Dude You Re Getting A Telescope
Dude You Re Getting A Telescope
The Basics Of Buying A Telescope
The Basics Of Buying A Telescope
Astronomy Binoculars A Great Alternative
Astronomy Binoculars A Great Alternative
Do Your Self Realizations Quickly Fade
Do Your Self Realizations Quickly Fade
Success Steps For Your Personal Or Business Life
Success Steps For Your Personal Or Business Life
Success Steps For Your Personal Or Business Life
Success Steps For Your Personal Or Business Life
Dude You Re Getting A Telescope
Dude You Re Getting A Telescope
The Basics Of Buying A Telescope
The Basics Of Buying A Telescope
Astronomy Binoculars A Great Alternative
Astronomy Binoculars A Great Alternative
The Basics Of Buying A Telescope
The Basics Of Buying A Telescope
Astronomy Binoculars A Great Alternative
Astronomy Binoculars A Great Alternative
Do Your Self Realizations Quickly Fade
Do Your Self Realizations Quickly Fade
Success Steps For Your Personal Or Business Life
Success Steps For Your Personal Or Business Life

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Helping the world become a safer place by combating scammers with us.