
How Apate fights back?

Apate Disrupts & Deters scammers.
Discover Apate AI-Callee and Apate Insights. Best solution to phone scams.

Existing Approach (Reactive): Detect, Filter and Block.

Apate Approach (Proactive): Divert, Distract and Disrupt.

Apate AI-Callee


  • Calls blocked to be redirected to Apate AI-Callee
  • Guaranteed Minimum number of minutes per call
  • Multi-lingual Conversational Bots enhanced with Conversation Memory, Trained Objective Function, and Shared Mental Models
  • Continuous learning and improvement via reinforcement learning
  • Diverse personas with AI-generated multi-lingual voices
  • Deriving intent of the scammer and reacting in a way to deceive
  • Apate Insights

    (Enterprise and Government)

  • Impersonated Organisations receive real-time notifications of scam campaigns
  • Threat intelligence includes scam categorisation, scam stages/scripts and scammer narratives
  • Scammers voice fingerprinting
  • Periodic (daily/monthly) detailed reports via Web portal dashboard and APIs
  • Global intelligence sub-licensed for all impersonated organisations across
  • Love these features?

    Features that make us Stand Out

    The first is a non technical method which requires the use of adware removal software. Download free adware and spyware removal software and use advanced tools getting infected.


    Staying calm, composed and maintaining strong self esteem in today’s tough environment can be difficult but is not impossible if you follow a few simple guidelines.


    We all live in an age that belongs to the young at heart. Life that is becoming extremely fast, day to day, also asks us to remain physically young. Young at heart.


    Increasing prosperity in our lives can be accomplished by having the right frame of mind. The truth is, our thoughts are very powerful. They are capable of influencing.


    Have you ever had a problem with a burned light? Thanks to the effort of Thomas Edison we no longer need to invent a light bulb. We just go to the store.

    The Easiest way of Execution

    The first is a non technical method which requires the use of adware removal software. Download free adware and spyware removal software and use advanced tools getting infected.

    If you find yourself doing the same routine day after day, remembering what you did the day before.

    I am upset. At this moment, as I sit here typing this up, I am truly upset. Something happened.

    Notes are very powerful. They express your thanks, encouragement, sympathy, apology, congratulations, feelings.

    Our Partners

    Helping the world become a safer place by combating scammers with us.